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I Am Qualified, Why Not Me?

I Am Qualified, Why Not Me?

  1. Bobby could be having a legitimate complaint because of the qualification he had along with a five year experience in the same field. When looking at the experience, his was more creditable than for the other guy who got the job because he achieved his experience within the same company unlike the other one who came from a different company. Additionally, Bobby had excellent performance appraisals all throughout his being in that company. This could also support him to be promoted.


However, there are many reasons why Bobby was not chosen for that particular job regardless of his qualifications. One of them is that Bobby’s qualification could have been less strong than his colleague who got the job, meaning Bobby was having very strong qualification yes, but the other had stronger qualification than him.

  1. Promotion from within policy has several impacts over outside recruitment. Promotion from within can be used as a tool to improve staff productivity and morale since staff will always be motivated to work harder in so as to be promoted (Adler, 25). Through doing this, the employees feel motivated. Inside hires already have knowledge about the company’s culture of operation hence there is less severity in the learning curve. Less is spent when promoting an inside employee for example advertising cost are reduced.


However, this system of operation also has negative impacts; one of them is that no fresh ideas are introduced into the organization. The job may require skills not found within the organization at that moment (Adler, 26). This policy may cause resentment amongst employees in the organization who would also feel they deserve the post. There is a possibility of promoting a less qualified employee just because he or she is from within than the stronger outside employees as a way to comply with the policy.


Work cited

Adler, Lou. Hire with Your Head: Using Power Hiring to Build Great Companies. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002. Internet resource.

333 Words  1 Pages
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