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Two Spirit People

Two Spirit People


This paper carries out an analysis of the themes outline in the Two-spirit literature and touches on the collection of various stories including poems. The theme of the literature fits the contribution of the homosexual, transgender or bisexual people and two-spirit writers in a context of decolonizing methodology. The literature accomplishes these themes across  various genres which include fiction ,poems and scholarly discourse  and asserts the presences of real canal desires among the people who are considered not straight sexually  in the society. The paper highlights the conceptions of sexuality, gender and community by the Two-spirit stories which seem to portray to portray individuals – Coyote – expressing their sexuality (Uzendoski, 353).


 The two-spirit literature focuses on what was in the older times considered to be strange identity formation as seen in the context of resisting colonial gender descriptions and sexual regimes and therefore can be said to reflect a wider indigenous experiences among the  concerned people. The stories focus on the need to educate the communities who have interest in learning about the sexual orientations of the indigenous people. The Sovereign Erotics recognizes the decolonizing impulses probably trying to have people open up and embrace others regardless of their sexual orientation. This theme can be seen in the stories where characters are presented as normal people with a need to associate with those they are sexually attracted to without fear of segregation. But, the fear existed among the American Natives which is portrayed in the poem where the two are merging form the war debris (Driskill, Justice, Miranda & Tatonetti, 69). The stories in this collection tend to reflect on the themes of sexuality in the indigenous people. They strive to identify with the identities’ complexity within the Gay people and how they searched for an approval from the influential people such as missionaries and   priests. They collaboratively aim at demonstrating the radical variance or diversity among the current indigenous gay and bisexual people and the strength, beauty and resilience observed among such people in the 21st century (Uzendoski, 353).  

The writers have an impressive achievement by presenting various voices of two-spirit-identified individuals who are trying to push their boundaries on sexuality. The articles can thus be said to be describing the potential in erotic pleasure which is profoundly dynamic and productive. They include the individual pleasure as a tool for pursuing historical understanding of how such individual faired.  Deborah Miranda portrays Coyote as an individual intending to fulfill his individual erotic pleasure only that he seems to fantasize more than really attaining it. This is seen in his mental orgies at the beach while not really getting to know them physically.   The writers utilize the erotics to stand up to the hegemonic efforts of colonial societies in the regulation of the indigenous people’s behavior and sexualities as one of the ploy for colonialism.  


The writer of the articles utilizes the theme of love, sexuality and friendship to reflect on the individual erotic pleasure for the native America people of different sexual orientation. They not only demonstrate diversity but the views of the outsiders on the sexual behavior of the native people. They use such words as wounded, sexy and angry to express the desires of the characters and the society members in which they exist.


Uzendoski, A. "Qwo-Li Driskill, Daniel Heath Justice, Deborah Miranda, And Lisa Tatonetti, Eds., Sovereign Erotics: A Collection Of Two-Spirit Literature." Western American Literature 48.3 (2013): 353. British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings. Web. 22 Sept. 2016

Driskill Qwo-li, Justice Daniel, Miranda Deborah , Tatonetti Lisa. Sovereign Erotics.A collection of Two-Spirit Literature .1995.69

613 Words  2 Pages
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