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Why is Jack the ripper subject relevant

            Discussion 1

The three questions that I would like to be discussed in class are: Why is Jack the ripper subject relevant? This question is important to discuss because it will help in developing a better understanding about jack the ripper who is an undisclosed serial assassin. The second question is why social media holds great impact to most industries? This question will help to identify the major influences of social media towards the development of the industry.  Social media is additionally important to discuss based on the fact that the world has adopted a shift in technology in regard to business marketing and operations.  Do you think that the fashion industry will survive in the future? Gathering people opinions about the future of the fashion industry is important in the identification of the industry’s flaws how they can be solved as well as its strengths.

Optional question

Question 1

I always take online courses when in college.  This is not my first online course as I have taken several before.  Currently, I am taking an online course where I am undertaking a course on business professionals writing.  The rationale behind me taking an online course it is because it is convenient in regard to time and money.   This, therefore, implies that the course permits me to study at my convenient time without corroding with every day’s programs.   This is additional cheaper as compared to a study in the classroom.  In addition, online, the course offers a form of entertainment because as it provides visuals as well as online entertainment such as interaction.  The internet has become an addiction to most of us and taking an online course is a part of the addiction.  I prefer to concentrate at home or in the library on my writing skills in front of a screen because I am used to having my laptop around. In addition to conducting a research while still undertaking an online course is easy as the online platform   gives features like the dictionary and research options which are quick and convenient.  This does not require much time or effort.


351 Words  1 Pages
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