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A Discovery

Short Script

A Discovery

The entrance of a small college institution can be viewed clearly, leaves full trees are lining on the entrance of the school.

The strong blowing wind can be felt.

The sun is already setting and above the sky is covered by a heavy red tint.

From the look of the surrounding, the next happening cannot be defined clearly.

The parking lot is covered by a few cars unlike the usual.

From a student, a couple of students can be seen walking past.

The campus ground is covered by a lot of trash and beer cars that decorates the whole ground.

The faces of those passing by cannot be identified because everyone seems to be involved in something or heading somewhere.

Scene One: Inside the Classroom

Teacher: Good morning

Students: Good morning to you too

(The teacher enters hurriedly and after greetings, she begins to distribute the quiz results papers immediately).

Teacher: Okay, today there is nothing else to do.  Revise your papers accordingly based on my comments at the end of the paper.  The class has thus been dismissed.  As for Emma, Audrey, Shirley and Maureen please remain in class as the others head out. We have a lot to talk about.

(The four girls picks their books and bags and walks towards the front of the class closer to the literature teacher)

Shirley:  Madam we are all here as requested. Is something wrong?

Rose:  What is the issue madam can we please discuss it?

Maureen: Is this all about the literature test results that you just distributed? We shall work on revising the test accordingly as you requested madam.

Emma: (Remains silent and from the look on her face she seems to be bothered by the situation but she has nothing much to offer and she opts for silence)

Teacher:  In particular there is so much to discuss.  First, the test results for the four of you were so disappointing! Can someone please make me understand what the issue with you is? Why are you always in the wrong as a team? S is too challenging to be in school?

Maureen:  Madam we are very sorry. We are the problem and we  just cannot explain enough but we shall  resolve this.

Emma:  At times it is difficult to understand things!

Teacher:  You mean that studying is an issue only for you while the others get along with my classes so well?

Rose: What we are saying is that getting along with your class activities and discussions is not easy for us.

Teacher: Oooh! Yeah, I can now see where we are all heading.  Not to forget that the four of you have been missing my classes so often.  I have spotted you in numerous offenses and now you trying today blames on my teaching?

Rose: No we are not we are just trying to say that we cannot be blamed for everything as we do try our best.

Maureen:  Nobody is to be blamed here but we just cannot get along with your class discussions.

Teacher:  It is not like I called you here to present your arguments.  It is very clear that you all have issues that need to be resolved.  Just head to the next class these discussions should be done later.  Please be ready to answer to the principal the rationale behind missing classes.  This is beyond my control now.

All:  Okay madam, we should be going now. Thank you a lot.

Scene Two: On the Corridor

(The four classes are caught up in a discussion in regard to the issue.  Nobody seems worried but they can all tell that the conversation will not end well).

Shirley:  Guys what’s your scores in the literature quiz?

Maureen: I only got four points in both quizzes.

Emma:  You should count yourself lucky scored one in the test.

Rose:  I got three and there is nothing to be done now but accept and face the situation! What about you Shirley?

(Maureen interrupts Shirley)

Maureen: We should not care any less!

Shirley: Just one and am proud of it.  I even forgot about the issue with the quiz. The only thing that interests me right now is the activities that will occur later on.

Rose:  Definitely yes an in with you there!

Shirley: Okay, whatever! (She states sorrowfully).

(The girls hurriedly run to the class as the bell had already been rung a while ago)

Scene Three:  Inside the School Library

(The teacher gets into the library without recognizing that the four girls are there studying silently, he stares at them for a while before talking)

Teacher: Ooh! You are all here! I hope you can all tell that all that are you doing now has a very close association between signal and energy?

Rose: Ooh! Really, I do not understand what you mean and why so stated that.

Teacher:  I do not have to make any explanation for now. That is an adequate task for you to find out.  For now just gather your belongings, get from the seats and join me for a long tour around this campus.

(They all head out doubtful without comprehending the intention of the teacher)

(Audrey speaks after walking for a while without a conversation)

Rose: What is the association between signal and strength?

Maureen: I guess the teacher will explain that

Emma: Yes just wait he will explain

Shirley: but how does the statement connects with us studying in the library?  This is strange I cannot connect.

(The teacher remains silent as they got into the school ground she stands and takes a stare of the four girls who are particular scared)

Teacher:  The environment is decorated well. Isn’t it?

Rose: not really! All I can see are litter everywhere.

Teacher: This is the beauty of where you exert most of your pressure and efforts.  It is evident.

Maureen:  We are not part of this Madam this must be a mistake.

Teacher:  (nods her head in a doubtful manner). There is a ball lying on the ground over there.  Emma does you mind getting it for me.

(Emma does not respond but instead, she gets the ball and hands it to the teacher)

Teacher:  No just roll the ball on the pavement.

(As the ball rolls they all stare without understanding all that is happening)

Teacher: How much force have you utilized Emma?

Emma:  Not much it did not necessitate much effort just a roll.

Shirley:  What does this have to do with us?  The offenses that you stated are not any closer to all this.

Maureen:  Yes this is not relevant.

            Scene Four: At the Car Park

(They all walk heading to the car park following the teacher who is not even responding to their claims)

Teacher:  You can see that the park is only characterized by a few cars today.  There is not strength here because students present less studying efforts.

Maureen: You are now blaming us for the general mistakes of others?

Rose: Our problem was failing the test. We accept that and we have agreed to do our best and this will not happen again.

Teacher:  You stated me as the issue for missing classes. What your faults?  Are you all clean?

Shirley:  We cannot answer that but we shall correct the situation.

Emma: Please madam explains the whole thing as this is confusing. Is there something else that you are not telling us?

Teacher:  There is nothing to explain.  It is very clear that you put less pressure in studies which results in lesser grades.  In reference to other activities, you guys are well established as the most energetic individuals. Still blaming me?

Rose:  We can word on balancing everything that we do to make this work. Trust our words.

Shirley & Maureen: Madam! You are not to blame for anything just forgives us on this one.

Teacher: Let’s head the principal’s office.

All: No, Ma’am.

(The teacher begins to walk as they all attempt to convince her not too)

            Scene Five: Inside the Meeting Room

(Everyone is fully engaged in the discussion with each trying to raise something to the teacher)

Teacher:  Is my concept of signal and strength relevant now?

All: it is very clear.

Shirley: We cannot disappoint you in any way we promise!

Emma: Ma’am please just let this pass as it will never happen again.

Maureen: We are sorry for putting you through so many challenges lately. For you, we are ready to change.

Rose: We beg to please Madam.

Teacher: I will let go of this issue. But please not that I will not tolerate more of his in the future.  Respective actions will be taken in the next occurrence. Go home now and let’s start afresh.

All:  Thank you, so much Madam.

(They all smile as they leave the room)

            Scene Six: Heading Home

Shirley:  Today was a very bad but an interesting day as well!

Rose: The world almost swallowed us all!

(All laughing)

Maureen:  That is very right! From everything that happened I learned a lot.

Emma: I can now tell that every little thing that we do is essential in showing the existing relationship that exists amid pressure and signals.

Shirley:  I learned that pressure is just a word that is fancy for exerting commitment in something.

Rose: It is clear that effort is crucial as it determines the motion and the success of most things in life generally.

Shirley:  The previous classes for the particular teacher never interested me at all, but from now I believe that this will make the whole difference for me.

Emma:  Studying and life require a force of magnetism to try and attract priorities towards success.

Rose:  That is so true Emma is so grateful to Madam Louise

Maureen and Shirley:  Yes we should all be thankful to her for the lesson.

Emma: The lesson was taught in a hard way but I appreciate it, however.

Shirley:  By the way you have to allow me now I must leave. I am meeting someone in the next hour.

Emma: I am leaving too.

Maureen: Let us catch up tomorrow guys!

Rose: Goodbye to you all!


***The End***







1699 Words  6 Pages
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