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Explain how Selina Jamil introduces her essay in her first paragraph. What does she choose to focus on in her summary of the plot of ‘The Story of an Hour’? Provide proper in-text citation to explain how Jamil sets up her thesis

  1. Explain how Selina Jamil introduces her essay in her first paragraph.  What does she choose to focus on in her summary of the plot of ‘The Story of an Hour’?  Provide proper in-text citation to explain how Jamil sets up her thesis. In reference to the first paragraph the author majors on emotions of Louise. The text shows the author’s understanding of courtship especially where it becomes more pessimistic. Jamil uses Utilitarianism in the story thus; suggesting that unlike activist has an impression on both logical work in moral as well as its approach to social strategy (Chopin &Kate 2).

  2. Explain what Jamil’s thesis is.  What kinds of evidences does she use to support her thesis? Provide specific examples.
    The thesis in the story is elaborated in consideration to moral right which is unusual as compared to the legal right. The author suggests that moral refers to something which is non-institutional. Moral and legal rights have relation since they are practice under similar social nature and are both dominion of respect. Feminism illuminates the importance of responding to freedom of rights plus the benefits of rights (Chopin &Kate 17).

    3. Selina Jamil references four scholars to support her essay. Who are they and what are their ideas?  How does Jamil use the ideas of these four scholars to support her thesis?
    The story ‘emotions of an hour’ was a great deal thus, the author met scholers like Susan Cahill, Barbara Ewell, Mary Papke and Christopher Benfey. Despite the scholar’s differences they also had a similar idea of feminism thus; Jamil was able to use it in developing the story’s theory. They suggested that feminism majors on the traditional critique where the male gains favor thus, women are portrayed as ethically immature.
  3. Explain some of the examples from the story Jamil use to illustrate the contrast between emotions and reason that she hypothesizes illustrates the main theme of the story? The story’s main theme believes that the major concern of molarity is to make life easier and better by increasing the amount of desirable deeds. A good example is where the author advocates that the female gender had been enslaved by the male in a manner that appeared horrible. It is one theory that adheres to the principles of ethics where it suggests that, an ethical theory should allow people to reign over themselves thereby, able to make personal decisions in their live (Chopin &Kate 25).

    5. How does Jamil conclude her essay?  What does Jamil interpret is the ultimate message of “The Story of an Hour”?
    It is genuine that the theories have had several edits but there are still few of its supporters. According to feminist, logicians are questioned based on abstract rule rather than the perspective of respectful approach. Feminist differ from utilitarianism since it does respect both genders thus, women are considered to be dependent of men (Chopin &Kate 28).

Work cited

Chopin, Kate, and Kate Chopin. The Story of an Hour. Logan, Iowa: Perfection Learning, 2001. Print.



501 Words  1 Pages
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