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Should Childhood Vaccination Be Compulsory?

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Paper instructions:

Should Childhood Vaccination Be Compulsory?

I)Introduction: Background info & identification of issue.II) Thesis statement: Underlined, include the claims (3 at least) & rationale for making the claim. III)Main point 1(vaccination prevent diseases): Topic sentence, Discussion with details and supporting information. Main point 2(Represent a low cost for user): Topic sentence, Discussion with details and supporting information. Main point 3 (Reduction of the occurrence of certain diseases): Topic sentence, Discussion with details and supporting information. IV)Opposing Views: Summary of opposing views, Response to opposing views (Refutes or concedes) V)Conclusion/Summary: Summary of discussion (review of main points made). Conclusion reached/ Reconfirmed thesis. Call for action and significance for helping society. VI) Citations (Use citation from United states only)

126 Words  1 Pages
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