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Topdog/Underdog Summary

The pursuit for money brings together the two brothers in order for them to be able to live and support each other. Lincoln, who is Booth’s eldest brother, is sent away from his house by his wife, which makes him to join his younger brother in a single unfurnished house. They live and support each other through paying the bills with the money that they receive after working. There are many ways through which money has either brought the two brothers together, or has made separated them (Sabrina, 27). This includes the following, after Lincoln’s friend was shot while playing three-card Monte, Link vowed never to look for money in illegitimate ways. This therefore separated the two brothers, since Booth was a thief who earned money through stealing. Thus, they were separated from their ways of work by what had happened to Link’s friend. Link gets a job where he acts as Abraham Lincoln’s impersonator where he earned money legally. This therefore separated the two brothers since they were not doing the same thing.

Moreover, when Booth became rich, he was mainly associated with women, a thing which Link was into, and this was after his separation with his wife Cookie (Sabrina, 28). On the other hand, money brought the two brothers together when booth asked Link to join him in playing three-card Monte where it led to the separation of the brothers after Booth shot Link when he won. This consequently shows what money can lead to when it comes to a relationship. Park therefore shows how money can corrupt behaviour, thus making people to lose humanity in order to be able to become rich. This therefore explains why money is the root of all evils.

Work Cited

Sabrina, A. The Pursuit of Happiness: The State of the American Dream in Suzan-Lori Parks's Topdog/Underdog: Georgia State University Scholar Works @ Georgia State University. 2012. Print.

318 Words  1 Pages
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