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Plagiarism, paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting

Plagiarism, paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting

Plagiarism matters given that since avoiding it helps a writer to carefully distinguish between the information or ideas that originates with them and the ones which they may have borrowed from other sources.  Of more importance is that it serves as a sign of gratitude especially while conducting research whose basis is the work which was done before it.  It allows a writer in appreciating the thinking and writing of those individuals who preceded him or her and who may have influenced their way of seeing or perceiving things.  Through citation and acknowledgement of resources, one is able to offer gratitude to the strength of previous writers which have offered support for the current writers.


Every state comes up with laws on compulsory attendance which requires children of a given age group to attend school. Of these states, 5 of them puts the age of starting school to be 5,  32 requires attendance from age 6 while a few have allowed kids to start attending while 6 years old (HSLDA, 2017). Many of the states have also crafted laws that limit the number of days that students should engage in instructional study.  Others require private schools and home schools to have fewer instructional days while in others offer exemption from such kinds of regulations (HSLDA, 2017).   


 The article asserts that all states come up with their own laws that require compulsory school attendance for children. Every states puts limit on the age at which children should start attending schools and number of days that home-schools and private schools should engage students in instructional study.




According to the source the school attendance laws are enforced various officers and courts while “Parents are held legally responsible for their children’s school attendance


HSLDA, (2017).Compulsory Attendance. Retrieved from:



308 Words  1 Pages
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