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Indian Mascot

Forum - "Indian Mascot"

The utilization of  imagery  and terms  in referring  to  native or first  nations  as the  title  for  sports  teams is  a controversial   public debate in the country.  The  utilization  of  Indian  mascots  terms  can be categorized  as  damaging  and disrespectful  to individuals from  first  nations.  Most of the names and slogans that are witnesses in sporting games can be categorized as racist. American  holds  unending  volumes  of  native  Indians Americans  racists  depictions . for instance  the  term  redskins that is used  to represent a team  is a form of racial  disgrace.  In that the term redskin was utilized by the white persons who were chasing the Native Americans away from America (Richards and Taube 1).

Those  that  defends  the  act holds the argument that  the  imagery  are objected  at  honoring  the  native  Indians  bravery spirit since they are expected  to  feel  pride  of beings American  mascots as  native  persons (Two-Hawks 1).  However,  those  in  opposition  raises the argument  that  it is a form of racial  disgrace which  is  targeted  at reminding the native persons  of  their  oppressive past (Utt 1).  The  debates  stirs  racial  arguments  with  individuals  stating that  the whites  still  holds the  authority  of acting  superior  by  disgracing  people  from first nations.

After the exploration of the topic regarding Indians mascots it is clear that the occurrence of such imagery is not right.  Such  names  as well as visuals  creates  racial  disgrace  and  a negative  perception  by the affected  group.  It  may  seem  as a way  of honoring the efforts  and the never ending  spirits  for the groups  but  this  holds  negative  effects  to the wellness of the native  persons.  Pride  can never  be obtained  through  disgrace  and the rights  and  freedom of  individuals should be  respected  by  enhancing  their  social wellness (Martin-Hill 13:22).  I  believe  that  the  naming and the creation  of  such  racists  sports  imagery  should  be stopped.




            Work Cited

Martin-Hill, Dawn. Dismantling the white man's Indian: Dr. Dawn Martin-Hill at TEDxMcMasterU. 2013.  Retrieved  from

Richards Kate and Taube, Aaron. 15 Brand Mascots and Lagos That Make the Redskins Look Progressive. 2014. Retrieved  from

Two-Hawks, John. How Indian Mascots Oppress. 2016. Retrieved from

Utt, Jamie. Redskins, Sambos, and Whities- Racism In Sports Mascots. 2010. Retrieved  from


385 Words  1 Pages
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