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Genre Analysis of English Second Language Lesson Plan

Genre Analysis of English Second Language Lesson Plan

In the genre of English Second Language the speaker is the educator while the audience is the non English speakers.  In this  genre  instructions are  offered  to  the  learners  of the English language  and  English  is the second  language since the  first  one  is normally  the  native  language.  The  existing  relationship  is that  the speaker  helps the audience  in  gaining  the  capability  to  learn  English as a language (Prahl, 2001).

Living in the  society  where  English  is the  primary  language  this raises  the  need for  native  speakers  to learn  English as their  second language  for  easier  communication which occurs  in the  non- native  community (Prahl, 2001).  Learners  and educators  plays a critical role  in the  success  of the  programs  since  commitment  is required  from both  parties.  English as a second language is the utilization of English by persons or speakers with distinct native languages. English second language  is a traditional  phrase  that  is utilized  to refer  to the study of  English as the secondary  language  by the non native speakers. The genre is a main branch of applied linguistics which can also be accounted as an interdisciplinary field (Prahl, 2001).

ESL has  four different  learning  categories  which are  proficiencies, communicative  competence, multiple  illiteracies  and  cross cultural knowledge (Prahl, 2001).  ESL genre  is an attempt to depict  the  need  and the  desire  for the non native speakers  to fit  into the  society  through  learning  how  to communicate with the primary  language.  In addition, the  programs helps  in creation of  more  knowledge  that  is essential  for the  growth  of  relations  amid the native and non-native  persons in the  society.  The genre represents the importance of language in any form of communication (Prahl, 2001).


Prahl, S. (2001). English as a second language and naturalistic learning. GRIN Verlag.

303 Words  1 Pages
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