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The Raisin in the Sun

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Paper instructions:

This paper is an essay regarding your personal opinion on a critical analysis paper you read regarding the play, "The Raisin in the Sun". You are supposed to have read or have watched the story/play of "The Raisin in the Sun" and you are supposed to read a critical analysis article about "The Raisin in the Sun". After reading a critical analysis article pertaining to the play, you must choose a quote or sentence from the critical analysis article you read and write about how you agree or disagree with the authors point of view or opinion of the story of the specific quote you chose. For example, if the author from the critical analysis article wrote that "Walter is a stubborn man" you would include this quote in your essay and write about weather or not you agree or disagree with the statement. You can use this quote as your starting point and use it to write other paragraphs regarding the role Walter's character plays in "The Raisin in the Sun". You must cite your sources and have at least 1-2 sources.

192 Words  1 Pages
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