Book Review of Development as Freedom
In the novel Development as Freedom, Sen has dwelt on development and freedom, and the factors which affect the well-being of individuals within a society. In addition, Sen has explained how freedom is development, and how it affects the way people live. Development requires the removal of the main factors which limit freedom, and they include: poverty, which leads to poor economic growth and opportunities, social deprivation, prejudice and abandonment of public facilities. In a bid to understand the book, this paper will analyse each of the 12 chapters in the novel.
Chapter 1 - The perspective of Freedom
Wealth is only useful in the things which it allows us to do, through helping us to achieve functional freedoms. However, wealth does not determine our social relations, since we are not limited to relationships by amount of wealth which is accumulated (Sen, 2001).
Inequality and Poverty the lack of a solid income and the lack of opportunities often appear interconnected, however, it is significant void being fascinated, that paying attention to the past, tends to affect our future. The relationships between the past and the future may not be that strong, hence if we focus more on the things which we can achieve, then it will be easier for us to understand the poverty which is related to human lives (Sen, 2001).
Income and mortality are also determined by the choices we make in life, and not by wealth. African Americans in the U.S maybe richer as compared to people from other countries such as India, however, they do not live longer (Sen, 2001). This is basically because social arrangements, access of social amenities and the prevalence of violence.
Chapter 2 - The Ends and the Means of Development
There are two broad attitudes of development which are found in the professional analysis of economics. These are: in order to maintain democracy, a lot of luxuries must be compromised, since development depends on democracy which is a very unique aspect, which should fought for. Secondly, the process of reaching development is however friendly, and it is also mutually beneficial in factors such as political freedom, social relations and social development (Sen, 2001). In this chapter, Sen therefore provides that freedom is the main driver of development from the beginning to the end.
Chapter 3 - Freedom and the Foundations of Justice
In the current application of utility in the modern-day choice theory, its identification with either preference or aspiration fulfilment, has been mainly abandoned in support of seeing utility as a form of numerical representation of an individual’s choice (Sen, 2001). However, the human mind cannot be used as a basis of freedom, since different people have different mind-sets and beliefs, thus making them to have different desires as compared to each other. Our abilities, gender, talent or age may affect the way people perceive things, even though one may be rich. One thing may not be of importance to a person, simply because of an illness, whereas it may be of importance to another person because of his or her gender. This consequently limits the application of real-income different people’s relevant advantages.
Chapter 4 - poverty as Capability Deprivation
Poverty must be viewed as a limiting factor to basic capabilities. Poverty limits people from being able to achieve their capabilities, thus rendering them unable. For instance, in a rich country, one may not be able to enjoy the privileges which other people are enjoying, due to income deprivation, thus making it hard to purchase goods, or enjoy certain social amenities and services. In a different example, infant mortality rates in developing countries is high, and this depends with the literacy levels of the parents (Sen, 2001). On the other hand, India produces more food as compared to Africa, however, the country is more under nourished. This consequently explains how poverty limits capabilities, thus making it hard for individuals to use the resources which they have in plenty in a good way.
Chapter 5 - Markets, State and Social Opportunity
Markets do not strive due to the rate of exchange or through the rate of revenue collected, but through the level of freedom in the transaction. Market transaction is a very significant aspect in the performance of a market, since markets depend on the freedom of transaction, thus allowing the trade to take place (Sen, 2001). If a state denies people the freedom of purchase, then it makes it hard for the markets to grow, a factor which affects the productivity of trade itself. In addition, if a country gives people the social opportunity to freely communicate, bargain and purchase the commodities, then the markets revenue will grow.
Chapter 6 – The Importance of Democracy
The links between political liberties and the fulfilment of the economic needs are not merely influential, but they are also beneficial. Political freedom allows for the creation of economic policies, which allow free trading, which in turn boosts the economy of the country (Sen, 2001). For instance, Asian countries have political liberties, which allow for fare competition of trade, thus making it easier for them to grow their economies. In addition, political liberty yields democracy, thus enabling the political leaders to come up with ways of avoiding calamities.
Chapter 7 Famines and other Crises
The economy of a country in general may affect the lives of people, even if a country may have plenty of food, the economy might limit them from purchasing the food, thus ending up hungry. In addition, due to inflation, most people may not be able to save enough money to buy food, thus ending up malnourished (Sen, 2001). On the other hand, natural calamities might also lead to drought and famine, however it is the duty of a country to protect its citizens from natural calamities. Due to poor planning and poor economic growth, some countries may not be able to cater for this needs.
Chapter 8 - Women’s Agency and Social Change
Women movements in the past concentrated more on the wellbeing of women, but in the modern day there is need to concentrate on the agency of women. The agency of women can therefore help in lifting the social barriers which have been placed before women, thus making it hard for them to have a sense of entitlement (Sen, 2001). The agency should advocate for gender equity and equality in all the aspect of human life, hence allowing women to lead similar lives as men.
Chapter 9 – Population, Food and Freedom
The world’s population is more than 6 times its size, since the 17th century, however, the levels of food production have been consistently declining, hence the need to control the growth of the population (Sen, 2001). The right to procreate is a human right, nonetheless, some political philosophers do not support this notion. According to Sen, there should be a consequential system, to deal with this issue, without limiting the rights of human being to reproduce. Furthermore, this consequential system should deal with the issue of food production and population growth, in such a way that civil liberties will not be affected.
Chapter 10 – Culture and Human Rights
Human rights vary from place to place, and the attitude of human rights is also different all over the world. There must be a provider of rights, which one should enjoy, and this basically means that human rights cannot exist of they are not provided the rule of law. The rule of law therefore provides the rights which vary from place to place, and dependent of the culture. Culture in the world is however influenced by the western countries, which tend to affect the way people in different parts of world behave or even relate with each other (Sen, 2001). This has consequently led to the loss of equity between countries, since cultures vary even though they may be influenced by west, a factor which leads to loss of traditions.
Chapter 11 – Social Choice Individual Behaviour
Human beings have the power to determine their future, however, they cannot be able to change their past (Sen, 2001). The past can never and will never be changed by anyone. Due to that reason, people need to look for framework and institutions which help in promoting their goals. In addition, they also need to base their reasoning on things which allow them to be able to reach greater heights, thus behaving in a manner which seeks to improve their well-being.
Chapter 12 – Individual Freedom as a Social Commitment
Freedom and responsibility are related in the sense that people are free to do what they are supposed to do, only if they are surrounded by factors such as institutions and agents (Sen, 2001). This therefore brings about the need to understand the functioning of different institutions such as the judiciary, the legislature, the executive, and the media, which are the main institutions which seek to protect individual freedoms.
Sen, A. (2001). Development as freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.