Definition Argument-Brave
To most, super-heroism is the first thing that comes to mind when the term brave is mentioned. Bravery is described as the quality of demonstrating cognitive and moral power to face fear, danger, and difficulty (Snyder and Shane 6). On the other hand, the adjective brave is utilized to describe any individual or thing that demonstrates courage when faced with difficult situations. A brave person is the one that is willing to perform things which are considered to be particularly dangerous and does not display any kind of fear in dangerous or challenging situations (Biakolo 1). On the other hand, based on the English Dictionary brave is the readiness to face and endure danger or pain which equals to showing courage (Snyder and Shane 6). With respect to this definition, it is apparent that there are two portions of the existence of brave which is the capacity to bear and courage and both qualities have to be present for someone to be considered brave. Bravery is the capability to confront pain, danger or attempt intimidations without any sense of fear which comprises of courage but differs from it.
Undoubtedly, brave is defined differently in every language but there is just one actual meaning. Brave refers to the showing of courage when hard times occur. Being brave does not only entail what individuals do but how they do things. Bravery is the combination of courage, fearlessness, and splendor based on Webster definition (Biakolo 1). In other words, bravery is when an individual displays courage when subjected to challenges and only opts to do the moral thing and overcomes fear in the quest of doing right. To others, bravery is the act of doing right to other people even though it requires putting your individual life in harm or be exposed to certain losses (Snyder and Shane 8). This is the act of putting others first and choosing not to be selfish. Bravery is also a spiritual quality that permits one to face danger without demonstrating any form of fear but the most misconceived idea by most individuals is that being brave is completely acting with no fear (Biakolo 1). Brave, however, does not imply the adversity of the situation is not feared but it is that brave entails the will to overcome any kind of fear that might arise.
Bravery is further defined as a behavioral characteristic that enables individuals to overcome their reserves, inner doubts and provides the strength what is considered as right regardless of any type of repercussion (Rondina 12). It is a thing that is from the inside in regard to self-courage that permits individuals to overcome hurdles and achieve things that are believed to be impossible (Boyd 1). Bravery can either be physical, moral or psychological but all involve doing things that regardless of the potential damages that can follow which might be against one’s beliefs but it is the right thing. Further bravery is best described as the capability to oppose pain, hazard and trials of intimidations without any sensation of fear (Rondina 12). This is the character strength that permits an individual to be apparently larger at all times that the existing crisis, whether he is indeed more authoritative or lighter than what is being faced.
In my opinion what is perceived to be the limit with some of the definitions of brave is that they incorporate courage as the primary aspect (Boyd 1). Courage and bravery are used as synonyms but they are particularly different in meaning (Snyder and Shane 8). Most of the definitions hold that brave is the aptitude to challenge pain and intimidation without any form of fear. This makes it apparent that brave and courage are different. In that courage is the capability to undertake an overwhelming challenging regardless of the presence of the inescapable fear. More than just a quality this is the mental state that is influenced by a reason that makes the fights to be worth. This differs with the case of bravery an individual that is driven by courage might sense unavoidably small in the face of the problems (Rondina 12). The essence of courage is not the general sensation of the capability to overcome challenges but it is the willful option to fight regardless of the limits and outcomes. Brave is a quality that encompasses courage but acts on its own (Biakolo 1). Courage is just a means and brave drives it as it acts solemnly. Bravery is not even being driven by any kind of inspiration or cause. In that, while it can sustain its very spirit without a cause and courage is usually engrossed by bravery.
An additional customized component that is utilized in defining bravery is the aspect of absenteeism or presence of mindfulness (Rondina 12). The act of bravery does not compulsory necessitate critical judgment and most of the time the quality normally becomes inherent based on family and societal principles and thus, effortlessly establishes itself as a seconding nature. A brave individual is bound can move forward and accomplish a given thing without placing many thoughts into the aspect based on the reasons and outcomes of their conduct (Biakolo 1). In that being brave is the ability to move forward and act based on the rightful and acceptable thing without considering a thing but only directed by creating the most positive outcomes. This differs from courage which is the result of deep understanding of the present issues (Boyd 1). A courageous individual is one that truly comprehends what they are getting involved in and all that they are doing and the anticipated results of such serving (Boyd 1). For example, a courageous individual understands all that they are bound to lose when they decide to act for the wellness of others but despite all, they decide to go on based on the need to save others.
Lastly, I support that bravery is the capability to act without the existence of fear and it maintains its essence even without any reason. It is not an outcome of mindfulness and it is the decision that opts to fight for what is believed to be right without considering any fear. Bravery is considered to be an inherent quality which does not incorporate many thoughts and normally manifests itself as a quality of nature to the brave ones (Biakolo 1). Based on the above definitions courage cannot occur without the presence of courage but being brave does not mean that fear is not considered but the aspect of bravery overcomes all. Bravery is thus, the potential to confront discomfort, hazard, and trials of intimidations without any sensation of fear (Biakolo 1).
Bravery is the capability to confront pain, danger or attempt intimidations without any sense of fear which comprises of courage but differs from it. This definition as supported in this report is a useful one because it creates a distinction amid courage and bravery but also shows that being brave incorporates the quality of courage which is the willingness to act regardless of the identified damages that might follow. This is the act of putting morality first rather than being self-centered. Bravery is the one that is willing to perform things which are considered to be particularly dangerous and does not display any kind of fear in dangerous or challenging situations. Bravery is the combination of courage, fearlessness, and splendor.
Work Cited
Biakolo, Kovie. What It Really Means To Be Brave. 2015. Retrieved from
Boyd, Therese. The meaning of courage. 2016. Retrieved from
Rondina, Caesar. Who Are the Heroes? Dorrance Publishing, 2017. Print.
Snyder, C R, and Shane J. Lopez. Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Print.