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Speaking in public


Most people fear speaking in public than death. The thought of speaking to a large crowd of people frightens them. They start worrying about none existent things that may not come to pass.

There exist various ways in the community that can enable one to communicate effectively in public or to a large crowd. Attitude is key  in understanding mood and interest of the audience. Establishing s link with the audience through their mood is very important (Bodie, 2010).

 Question 1

One of the ways is through establishing attitude of the audience toward the topic. Having the knowledge of the reaction or attitude of the audience on the topic can be utilized   to come up with an effective way of speaking to the crowd. Knowing their attitude will enable the speaker come up with accurate ways of reaching the aims of the audience hence easily grabbing their attention. A speaker must be inclined toward the interests of the audience and ensures he meets them half way or all the way. For instance if a speaker wants to convince the public to build a bridge, he must spend most his time talking about reasons why the bridge should come to existence (Bodie, 2010).

       The second way is through knowledge of the main topic .Audience awareness  of the topic may vary from one audience to another hence communicators are left with the task  of researching on what  the audience already know on the topic and what they  do not know on the topic. For instance  if someone dwells into the a discussion about genetic engineering  but the audience are not familiar with  that particular  body of knowledge,  they will be not easily catch up with  what the speaker is saying and may end up losing interest. On the other hand, speaking what the audience already know may not sound good. Therefore one should strike a balance (Bodie, 2010).

 It is quite normal to be frightened before speaking to a crowd especially a large crowd. Fear or anxiety varies from one Peron to another. In some people, the fear or anxiety disappears as soon as they step on the stage to make their speech while on others it persists hence they fumble and mumble a few words on stage. Fear of speaking in public is a legitimate challenge. Fear is brought by lack of   self confidence in one’s own ability to speak in public (Bodie, 2010).

The other reason that causes anxiety is self-consciousness   in front of large audiences. This is one of the most common reason behind fear of most individuals afraid of speaking in public or to an audience of more than fifty people. Most people with self-consciousness problem claim they can speak to small groups but cannot speak to large groups (Bodie, 2010).

            Presenting or appearing as anxious. Some people may fear they may appear fearful to the audience. This worry ends up developing fear and anxiety. Once an audience notice  fear written all over the faces of the speaker they may conclude  he or she is not conversant with the topic they are about to speak about. Some of the audience may end up feeling sorry for a speaker with anxiety in front of a stage (Bodie, 2010).

Some p individuals are afraid of the judgement others may pass upon seeing the .In such s situation one should convince or motivate themselves to ignore the opinion of others and until they finfish their task. Speakers should encourage themselves to think positively at all times (Bodie, 2010).



Question 3

One may end altering the manner in which they think or speak. If one does not adjust themselves to relax they may end up speaking various things that they did not intend to speak about. The tone of their voice and body language can also be affected as they fidget and mumble words (Bodie, 2010).



Reducing stress before speaking through rhythmic breathing or meditation can help release tension just before speaking to a large audience. Being positive casts away negative thoughts and helps in focusing the attention of the speaker to things he or she will say during the speech. Practicing prior to speaking can help one to organize themselves before the actual speech. Composure and body language  enhance art pf public speaking.











            Bodie, G. D. (2010). A racing heart, rattling knees, and ruminative thoughts: Defining, explaining, and treating public speaking anxiety. Communication Education, 59(1), 70–105.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


744 Words  2 Pages
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