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Deduction and Induction: Reasoning Through Mental Models

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Paper instructions:

(After reading the article "Deduction and Induction: Reasoning through Mental Models" which is written by the authors Bruno G. Bara, and Monica Bucciarelli, I learn more about how to conclude plausibly from reading the premises carefully. 

In this article, there are two map photos of the process of reading in how we read and conclude from any reading or article to show us specifically how to do the process. I think not all of the time we need to follow this processes. for example if we read something we know it or familiar to us we do not need to follow any process because our mind know it already and will conclude simply with no specific process. but maybe if there is something new for us we will need to follow those processes to get better understanding and good conclusion. 

Also, in this article they talk about the phases of deduction, which are five phases: construction, integration, conclusion, falsification, and response phases. and they explain each phase individually. I think explaining them make it easier for me to understand each of them and how to go through them. 

Last, it was difficult for me to understand the points of this article but when the authors provide examples of Ann and Mark and other kind of examples make it much easier to understand and have an idea what is the points all about.)

so discuss what you think about this article  "Deduction and Induction: Reasoning Through Mental Models"

257 Words  1 Pages
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