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            Cramming is a study technique where a person work intensively to absorb a large volume of data within a short time. That is the technique we commonly use in the last minute to study and I think almost everyone did that in their life. If you have found yourself studying late into the night and reviewing your study notes to the last second as you attend your class, that is cramming.

            As a nursing student, there is no way we could just escape that completely because first of all, it is the schedule. I can admit that nurses have a busy schedule, from doing assignments, attending classes, studying, clinical work, attending to family and friends, doing some other work and all other activities that a normal person should do. With that, there is just little time to do everything perfectly that’s why cramming will always exist.

            Although the teachers and parents do not approve it, it has been proved to have some benefits for the student. However, it is unfortunate that it is easy to forget what we have crammed because short term memory is usually used. On the other hand, you will get the best scores which is what our parents sometimes want, is that not right?

            As a nurse cramming can be disadvantaging because you have to remember almost everything to help you deliver the best care to the patients. In cramming you just forget, I remember I crammed drugs’ mode of actions but guess what, I had to study them again. Cramming will make you the best student not the best nurse and that is what I came to realize so I would just recommend to my fellow nurses to use other best techniques that have been proved to work for long-term recall such as “spacing effect”.

301 Words  1 Pages
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