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Community story

Community story

Development of student’s literature depends on the community,  their family friends, towns people, values and the heritage that these people bring into their lives.  For learners to be fully active they must be fully capable of identifying the way literacy is a major part of all the activities that are being carried out in all settings (Stuczynski, Linik, Novick, Spraker, n.d). Telling stories of one self and community easily fits into the literacy curriculum.  The act of letting learners explore their communities through reading and writing which are part of literature gives them a sense of belonging.  Exploring real life projects helps students develop their oral and written skills.

Many projects that involve the community include interviewing the members of community. These people can be grandparents who attended the school before the student. These people will share information about the school during the time they were there.  A multi-cultural community presents learners and teachers with the opportunity to learn about the culture and languages around their school and in the community. When students conduct oral interviews in the community they benefit a lot from this. Oral interviews play a major role in influencing communities to be more education centered.  Oral histories is one of the oldest arts, it has been used for a long time by communities to pass down traditions, ethical conduct and morals (Stuczynski, Linik, Novick, Spraker, n.d). Oral interviews are providing a good opportunity for the learners to gain an understanding about their own culture and that of others.

Using oral interviews learners are able to learn the difference between stories on real events, myths and fables that are told as a means of entertainment and to deliver various life lessons.  The process of interviewing the community helps students to explore their own lives and express their feelings (Stuczynski, Linik, Novick, Spraker, n.d).


















Stuczynski, A., Linik R, J., Novick, R., Spraker, J., (n.d). Community Stories. Retrieved from;   



330 Words  1 Pages
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