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Man from Wall Street


Man from Wall Street



Dressed in a custom made expensive looking suit which you could tell by its material and how well it fitted, slowly walks this man from Wall Street. The year is 1988 and you could tell that the man is wealthy just by how he dressed and the perfume he wore. You can notice his brown leather official shoes that looked so new and shiny. He is walking along this eight block long street and since it is just some minutes after four o’clock you can tell that he is coming from work headed to his apartment. He takes off his coat since the evening sun is a little bit too hot. You notice his shiny silver Rolex watch when he removes his cufflinks and starts rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. He puts his coat on his shoulder and continues to walk slowly and majestically.  

The man’s hair has partly fallen off leaving him with a bald head rash. Wrinkles on his face and hands can be seen. You can notice that the man’s back is slightly hunched and maybe that is the reason is not able to walk fast. Long grey nose hair is protruding from his now red nose that has changed color because of the sun. His sagging stomach cannot go unrecognized. His long unkempt and unshaven beard makes him look older than his probable age.

On his way to his apartment he enters a coffee shop, puts his coat on a chair, sits down and waits to be served. Since most of the people are coming from work the coffee shop is busy because everyone wants to be served. The man sits for two minutes and when no one comes to his table to serve him, he looks at his Rolex watch and starts to rant. He is ranting of how he is a daily and loyal customer and no one is coming to serve him. He says he should not be left unattended for more than one minute. He continues to angrily shout saying that he does not care if the attendants are busy, he should be served anyway. He calls them unqualified claiming he pays their wages because he is a daily customer and spends a lot in their shop. Everybody in the coffee shop is looking at him now because he is speaking at the top of his voice. He regards everybody in there as poor people who come to fill the place and only spend a few dollars. By now you can tell by how he speaks that he is so full of himself and only cares about himself. The manager comes to his table to try and calm him down and before he could even talk to him, takes his expensive coat and leaves.

Three blocks down is a casino, he walks past it then turns back and gets in. He goes directly to the roulette, buys some playing chips and starts to play. He orders for glefiddich which is an expensive whisky brand and a cigar. He wins the first and second round and is so happy and boastful of how he is the best at the game. He goes to the washroom, comes back to the table and continues to play. This time he loses big time, places more money and does not win. At the rate at which he is smoking his cigar now you can tell that he is really frustrated and upset. He plays some more rounds and luckily he wins, getting more than what he had initially lost. He celebrates his win for a while and his greed for more makes him get back to the game with all that he had won and in one round all is gone. He has nothing left on him at this point. He walks out of the casino to his apartment, frustrated and maybe thinking to himself that the next day he would trade and make profits, come back to the casino and get what he had lost.


Despite him looking and smelling expensive, the man from Wall Street is old. He is so self-centered and disrespectful. He is a gambler and a greedy one. He wins a huge amount of money and still wants even more. He is a judgmental and bossy man and thinks he is the best and should be treated better than other people.







737 Words  2 Pages
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