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How exactly has my research or extra reading informed my understanding of The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland: thematically or artistically?

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Paper instructions:

The question that i have to answer is : How exactly has my research or extra reading informed my understanding of The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland: thematically or artistically. 
The idea i want to focus on is the Reviewers reception of the novel: Like several different reviews that can be found online, and how i would disagree and agree with the reviews. As well i need to use direct quotes with in text MLA referencing  as evidence when i agree or disagree with the review/ critique of the novel, as well i need to use direct quotes from the novel as evidence for why i would agree or disagree with the several different reviews.
The essay also needs to have an informative title, and underlined thesis statement.


137 Words  1 Pages
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