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The Interior Monologue Script of Olivia

The Interior Monologue Script of Olivia

 The sudden and helpless situation forced mine to reconsider my actions. Everyone was expecting a hie of some sort from mine. However, I showed great restraint and ambition as I patiently waited for my oppressor’s tide to change hands. No more was I going to engage in senseless and meaningless pride or actions. Sometimes, silence is a tactical weapon that carefully guides the person himself and gives me an inner sense of security and hold. Methinks reacting to everything seems weak and uncalled for. Most people tend to believe that the occurrences of some event’s tied to destiny. However, reality is the only reliable thing in life. Also, in life, hills and valleys, rivers and mountain only attest to human’s fable reality. Holding on to pain diminishes my precious life. Wherefore, I cannot hold onto their memory any longer. This is coz my status does not come from the accrued wealth or gender but from how I choose interpret and deal with the situations around me.

 Despite losing my father and brother, I will not wallow in grief and self-pity because the odds of life are not against me but against my hope to live again. Life has to persistently move forward. For a woman of my caliber, yea, marriage will not fulfill my life but it will cement my dreams and amplify my decision to move forward hither, my grief stricken life. One thing I have learned out of life is steadily moving forwards even if I face failure or opposition. For the sake of myself and my family name, I need to move forward and consistently face my troubling e’ en heart head-on by any needs necessary.

The nobility of a woman‘s not found in her husband or monetary possessions forth the ability to withstand challenges. I did not decide to mourn my brother for the last seven years, it was mine grieving heart that refused to move on with life. Ere situation I am in warrants a lover to take me into his arms and comfort the sorrow which was in my terrified young heart. The reason I rushed to marry Sebastian was not to find closure but to openly escape the mourning stage, withal, sometimes destiny might present itself as a man who comes from the emerging nature of the abyss into the life of a troubled young woman.

 Henceforth, Olivia was but a fragment of her ere and after. She did everything she could to fain her sorrow and hide her fie. Mine was only to observe from a safe distance and hold any nay thoughts towards the demise of the close family members. Methinks the needs surpass the wants and‘s presently undoing the past ‘s and unheard of. Withal, the life lived is better than yon others. Even though some people perceived it as whither and regretful one, I did mine a self-service when ye had to come up with a sirrah to reach the end of it all.


501 Words  1 Pages
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