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Comparative analysis between the Romeo and Juliet text, and the 1996 Romeo and Juliet movie directed by Baz Luhrmann

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Paper Instructions:

Comparative analysis between the Romeo and Juliet text, and the 1996 Romeo and Juliet movie directed by Baz Luhrmann

You will choose two scenes in the film, and text and compare and contrast the practitioner’s work and how it is represented in each scene. For example, you could compare and contrast the acting in one of the scenes and the costumes in another.

2.In making your comparison and contrast, you will use specific references to the costumes, 
Directing choices, set designing, and if appropriate lighting depending on your choice of practioners. You will make direct references to specific characters, concept of the set, or use of lighting in each of the scenes you are choosing to compare. 

3.For each of the representations (film), you will identify the name of the director, set 
designer, lighting designer or costume designer. You will have to watch the credits to get this 

4.You need to identify which act and scene you are referring to in the text, and reference it to the

5.For your closing paragraphs you will reflect on how film, text, can be used to represent William Shakespeare’s play. In these closing paragraphs, you will write one or two positive contributions of the film and live performance in representing Shakespeare’s spoken word.

6.While watching the movie, and reading the text, pay close attention to the practioners 
so that you are able to compare and contrast them across the mediums.

• essay must be a minimum of 2 typed pages and no more than 3 pages, 12 point Arial font, 
double-spaced with 1 inch margins.

•When including quotes from the text, you must include citations in the text and a Works Cited page. When you discuss the movie, it will not be necessary to have direct quotations

•Do not write in first person point of view (no I’s, Me’s, My’s)

•Proofread, proofread, and proofread! 

•Type your Works Cited page


28 Words  1 Pages
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