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Write a poem based upon the novel, The Great Gatsby. The poem can be based upon your own perceptive, that of a character's, or about the novel as a whole. At lease one of the stanzas should be based on what may happen in the future. Your poem must be a mi

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Paper Instructions:

Write a poem based upon the novel, The Great Gatsby. The poem can be based upon your own perceptive, that of a character's, or about the novel as a whole. At lease one of the stanzas should be based on what may happen in the future. Your poem must be a minimum of 16 lines. 

Also, pay attention to line and stanza breaks, punctuation, and indentation as required. 

Consider that your setting  and characters' responses to that setting are very important, so think carefully about the type of setting or circumstances that would serve as an extended metaphor - as an extension of what happens in your plot. 

Refer to the Rubric to maximize your mark. 

All necessary attachments are included, such as the introduction to the assignment, the assignment, and the rubric/

144 Words  1 Pages
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