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The Road

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Close reading/analysis of one passage from the story "The Road" and the corresponding scene/sequence from the film.

Choose one particular passage from the story that has a corresponding scene in the film; reread the passage and view the corresponding scene/sequence. How does the filmmaker attempt to capture the tone/mood of the passage from the story? Comment on and analyze how the passage from McCarthy is translated via cinematography (*camera shots + angles), sound, dialogue, performance, music (or lack of) and mise-en-scene (set, set design, lighting, costumes, make-up, props).

Try to limit yourself to a passage that is 1-2 pages and 30 sec-2 minutes in the film. Your journal should reference the time stamp from the film and where you found this passage. (example: the corresponding scene in the film runs from 4:15-4:49)

I have attached the link to where you can find the reading and the film  below.

at the end pleas answer the four attached short answer questions based on the movie



183 Words  1 Pages
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