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For this paper, we’re reviewing the basic rhetorical strategies of argumentation in an academic setting. You need to choose Mark Edmundson’s text for your analysis.

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Paper Instructions:

For this paper, we’re reviewing the basic rhetorical strategies of argumentation in an academic setting.  You need to choose Mark Edmundson’s text for your analysis.  There are two parts to this assignment: first, describe how convincing Edmundson’s argument might be for his intended audience; then discuss the challenges professionals in your future career field might face as members of the student generation Edmundson describes.  

Successful essays will:

Make and support a clear central claim about the text’s persuasiveness and about how the generation of college students Edmundson discusses will fare in a specific career field
Use the language of rhetorical analysis to evaluate the text’s persuasiveness, citing and explaining specific examples from the text
Discuss how the text’s intended audience is likely to react to Edmundson’s claims (rather than just your reaction) and how members of the student generation in general are likely to fare in the professional world (rather than just yourself)
Use a structure that effectively guides readers from one idea to the next
Use appropriate diction for an academic audience and be grammatically sound


189 Words  1 Pages
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