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Beowulf critical analysis (For this essay, you’ll be applying one of two critical lenses to Beowulf and explaining how examining the text through that lens helps you to understand the overall meaning of the text.)

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Paper Instructions:

Literary criticism is a way that scholars approach a text to help determine its implied, rather than overt, meaning. Looking at a text through a particular critical lens opens specific analytical avenues for a reader that would otherwise remain obscured. 

For this essay, you’ll be applying one of two critical lenses to Beowulf and explaining how examining the text through that lens helps you to understand the overall meaning of the text. 

First, you’ll look at the information about each school of criticism before you decide which you’d like to apply to the text. You’ll then find textual evidence from Beowulf and explain how it is given meaning when looked at through this particular lens. 
Visit Purdue’s OWL Literary Criticism page or click on the hyperlink below: 

Post-colonial Criticism (Links to an external site.)

New Historicism, Cultural Studies

You must: 

Type in MLA format.
Type at least two pages.
Include quotations from the text (EMBEDDED!). 
Include the “So What?”
Do not use contractions (e.g. doesn’t, don’t, can’t, etc.). Always write it out. 
Do not use personal pronouns (I think, I believe, we, etc.) or metadiscourse (In this essay I will…)

214 Words  1 Pages
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