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As precisely as possible, please describe your motivation for joining the Scholars Program and your expectations of the program, emphasizing how you will be a valuable part of it.

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

As precisely as possible, please describe your motivation for joining the Scholars Program and your expectations of the program, emphasizing how you will be a valuable part of it. 

Your essay should focus on the three main aspects of our program: Academics, Community Service, and Social. Use the information you read about in the Scholars Program Constitution and the Scholars Program Contract as your sources. (These documents can be found on our website, 

Your essay should demonstrate how you understand the three main aspects and how you will be a valuable part of those. Think very carefully about the time commitment for the program since your essay should reflect on how you see the program, how you see yourself being an active and valuable member of the program, and if you have time for the program.

147 Words  1 Pages
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