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Final Exam Children's Literature

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Essay 1 of 2: Locomotive by
Research the controversy about this book and then take a stand on the controversy surrounding this book. Do you position yourself as an advocate for Locomotive or do you side more with Debbie Reese or Brian Floca. Based on your understanding of the issues addressed with this controversy are the implications of this book related to the the selection of the Caldecott Award that year? Be sure you show your knowledge of the book itself and use specific evidence to argue your points.

View book by the screenshots attached to the order: 1 to 33. 

Essay 2 of 2: Nino Wrestles the World
To what extent might it be possible that the multicultural nature of this book prevented it from winning the Caldecott Award? Agree or disagree with K.T. Horning's (Calling Caldecott blog post) stance on the book and the question of the Caldecott Award committee? Would you advocate for  Nino Wrestles the World? Explain why by stating your response to the book, your thinking about the book as a piece of multicultural literature, and your understanding of the book's potential importance and value.

View book : Nino Wrestles the world here:

This is for a college course- 
Split the page count equally between the two. (So a page and a half for each.)

234 Words  1 Pages
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