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Rhetorical Analysis

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Paper Instructions:

Write a Rhetorical Analysis on an article called “The Jugglers Brain” by Nicholas Carr.
Introduce the title of the text, the author, and the basic claim/thesis. Arrange the body of your paper so that the readers move through it in an orderly way. The purpose of the analysis is to provide a way of understanding how the text persuades its audience, not to simply summarize the text. To provide understanding, you need to give brief examples from the text that illustrate the author’s rhetorical methods. As you write your analysis, keep in mind that you are not writing an argument, but you are analyzing a text; however, you should make a judgment about the text’s rhetorical effectiveness.

Make sure it’s Times New Roman and 12 point font. Also it must be Freshman Level college student writing.

146 Words  1 Pages
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