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American Psycho (Great Easton Ellis) Mary Harron

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Please write 8-pages essay about "American Psycho" book by Bret Easton Ellis and film by Mary Harron

Here's some directions for the essay:

1. Why did you select this particular story or novel? What attracted you to it?

2. What were the major, minor differences between the film and the book?

3. What did you learn about film adaption from this project?

4. Would you recommend this book or film to a friend? why?

5. Please identify the director, the writer of the novel or short story and who did the adaption. Year the book was published, year the film was released. Identify how well the film did in the marketplace. Was it a hit, a flop, why do you think?

6. Pick a specific scene to show and analyze it.

138 Words  1 Pages
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