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Reaction Essay

  • Reaction Essay
  •             The talk is about how to help students in achieving their goals through applying the theory experience into practical activities. The speaker who is 45 years old reflects back to 1975 when an organization from Washington with the obligation of assisting students to use academic experience came into action. The speaker starts by giving his background experience and his walk to victory. He states that he grew in a poor family but with determination, he managed to get his first sociology degree while in college. In the speech, the speaker quotes three practical examples that he values as the base of his success. He starts by quoting how his history teacher helped him to develop a positive attitude towards employing practical examples in what he learns. He also quotes some of the factors that can result to poor performance during school and in everyday life. This include the experiences that affect a person psychologically like the 9/11 attack. According to the speaker’s views, I agree with his opinions on assisting student to pursue in practical activities.
  •             The speaker emphasis on the spirit of teamwork on the activities that student ought to tackle in their school life and later when in a working environment. He states that in order for a student to be competitive in schoolwork, there is a need to employ teamwork skills. He states that his experience in the navy while in Vietnam was a total lesson on the importance of teamwork. The speaker depicts that the spirit of success is motivation and positive attitude. While explaining the importance of having a positive attitude, the speaker illustrates why a lazy person cannot succeed in life. While making the conclusion on the importance of teamwork, the speaker reminds the students that although they may not succeed in everything, there are no need to lose hope.
  •             The speaker gives an example of how people can be successful even in terrible times. He argues that in bad moments, a person ought to struggle much in order to meet the basic needs. Through the struggle, an individual may realize the importance of every minute in life. In this issue of difficult moments, the speaker states that there is a need to make critical decisions that may affect the life of an individual. When making decisions, the speaker states that there is a need to evaluate the importance factors and give them the first consideration. He guides students of what to consider when choosing careers that they would depend on later in life. Before joining a working environment, the speaker states that it is necessary for the students to join internship while pursuing their courses.
  •             Although joining internship is optional in the United States, the speaker states that there is a need to apply theory experience into practical activities. Internship helps students to make a strong foundation of experience in the career that they are to uphold in future. According to the speaker, internship is essential to undergraduate students because it is an academic enrichment. The speaker gives an example of the successful Americans who used internship as their foundation to build experience in their careers. After the speaker completes the speech, he gives the students an opportunity to ask questions. One of the students asks whether there is an alumina with a story offering a significant impact on internship. According to the speakers answer, he says that even though there is no such a story, all the alumina of the organization know the importance of internship. Another student who asks one of the questions is Melisa requesting to know whether there is a website with information about internship. The speaker gives the website name as “”. The speaker concludes the speech after answering all the questions raised by students. The speaker delivers the speech in a recommendable manner, using the correct tense and giving room for questions.
648 Words  2 Pages
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