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Language Exercise: When Rules Collide

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Think of a problem in which two people communicated in such a way that they misunderstood one another. Try to think of a real situation where you and a friend misunderstood one another. If you cannot think of a real situation you can use one from television or the movies.

Use CMM theory to analyze the problem. What words were used? Why didn’t they work? Identify the rules that each party used to interpret the interaction. At which level or levels (episode, relationship, life script, culture) did the misunderstanding occur? How was it eventually resolved? How can people develop more accurate understanding of one another? How can they increase the sensitivity of the rules (check out maxims in chapter 4) that guide their communication?

This paper should be 2 pages, double-spaced, proofread and edited.

144 Words  1 Pages
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