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Why Nice Guys Finish Last

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Paper Instructions;

Please use the reading and for my  please answer the question with my vision of our advertisement against women in the 1960s and try also to please try to be punctual about the critique for evaluation 

In her essay “Why Nice Guys Finish Last,” Julia Serano addresses the ways that our cultural mindsets shape our expectations for male and female sexuality, and the problems these mindsets create. Serano argues that the “predator/prey mindset” has negative effects on both men and women, helping to create a rape culture where sexual violence and intimidation of women by men is normalized. In this context, women expect and are expected to be treated as sexual objects, and men expect and are expected to be sexual aggressors. Serano argues that such mindsets obviously harm women, who are subject to the majority of sexual violence, but they also harm men, favoring “assholes” who play into stereotypes of sexual aggression over “nice guys” who attempt to resist them.

Assignment Objectives:

For this essay, you need to select at one/two advertisements/songs/movies/novel which conforms the gender stereotypes that are prevalent in our society and one/two advertisements/songs which rejects these gender stereotypes. You need to elaborate as to how and why the advertisement/song/ movie that you have chosen, rejects/accepts the gender stereotypes. You must relate your argument to Julia Serano’s essay "Why Nice guys finish last".

To relate the essay with the advertisement/song/movie/novel that you have selected, you can answer the following questions:

How are gender norms formed and ingrained in our culture?
Julia Serano talks about socialization of both the genders. What do you think socialization of genders mean? – Consider talking about your personal experiences of how you have been shaped and taught to do and to not do certain things (implicit and explicit rules that we are supposed to follow in our everyday life).
Do you think that these gender socializations lead us to shape our behavior according to what is appropriate for the society and what is not considered to be appropriate?
How can we overcome these expectations and these gender stereotypes?
What solutions would you suggest to overcome these gender binaries of active/passive and predator/prey mindset that have been ingrained in our culture.

Criteria for Evaluation:

Argument:Argument directly and fully answers the prompt; is clearly stated early in the paper; is original, compelling and logical, avoiding absolute claims
Evidence:Appropriate amount of relevant, accurate, and justifiably interpreted quotation. Quotations are thoroughly introduced, explained, analyzed, and connected to argument/other texts. Possible counter-arguments are considered.
Organization:Paragraphs maintain argumentative focus, exclude extraneous information, appear in a logical order, and transition smoothly. Introduction sets forth argument and goals of essay. Conclusion opens up avenues for future research.
Audience:Consistent, academic tone. Appropriate amount of contextual information, anticipating audience questions. Addresses significant issues and makes them important to audience.
Grammar and Format:Errors in grammar, spelling, and usage limited or non-existent. Correct MLA format, including proper quotation citation.

496 Words  1 Pages
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