Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering;
Turn in a literature review of past efforts for your campaign behavioral target. Use 6-8 sources (undergrads) or 8-10 sources (grad). Include a discussion of how you will use theory in your campaign process.
a description of the three resources you have engaged with, tell me why you chose those three. How do you think each one will help you? What do you hope to get out of each resource? What issues are being discussed? What other resources might you need that aren't listed in the Appendix?Don't wait until the 31st to do this assignment! Sign up by Thursday so you can hopefully get more data to respond.
Describe your formative assessment. Tell me how you gathered information from your target audience regarding their perceptions of benefits and barriers regarding target and competing behaviors for your own campaign proposal? Did you do observations? Conduct in informal focus group or interviews? Administer a survey? What did you learn? What are your target audience's perceptions of barriers and benefits? How will you use this information to plan your campaign?
Literature review and the survey to drexel students My topic is Drexel college students should not texting when they are driving
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