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a doll house act

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

In a brief essay, please introduce the theme of inheritance as it is presented in the play. Be sure to have a thesis about the play’s specific insight into this theme and back it up with a presentation and discussion of details from the play: either a few different relationships or one primary one as it evolves throughout the play. Consider choosing relationships that offer different, distinctive views of the theme (or one relationship that evolves in stages that can be explored). Be sure to include a proper conclusion about the theme and your thesis specifically. Avoid needless summary; rather, present summary details in the service of your interpretations. 

Format and General requirements:

Length: 3 solid pages
Margins: 1 inch
Font: 12 point Times
Have a thesis about the theme of inheritance in the first paragraph
Quote the text directly and write about the quotations
MLA format is required
No research is required for this assignment. If however you do consult an outside source, cite in MLA format and make the source available upon request.

Consider making use of the following chart to collect your thoughts and make good decisions in planning: 

Various Parent-Child relationships: (list them but then select)

Working Thesis: (based on what you learn from reviewing the characters)

Body Paragraph Plan: (how will you BUILD your argument; remember to constantly go back and assess/adjust/improve your working thesis as needed; select the most powerful quotations to include in each body paragraph.) Finally, make sure the conclusion works well with the thesis/introduction.

263 Words  1 Pages
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