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Given the Five creative techniques of writing 1. Brainstorming 2. Evaluation 3. Free-writing 4. Organizing 5. Editing Reflect on these

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 
Given the Five creative techniques of writing 
1. Brainstorming
2. Evaluation
3. Free-writing
4. Organizing 
5. Editing
Reflect on these exercises in a 550-word essay.
Describe your experience with these techniques INDIVIDUALLY. What worked, and what did not? Which will you need to adapt as you move forward? Are some creative approaches better suited to one genre or another?
Explain how these different methods of generating ideas fit with the other stages of the writing process. For example, will one method generate drafts easily, but be difficult to revise?
Explain how and where these approaches might fit with later stages of the writing process. For example, does one technique seem better for revising fiction?

Format according to APA guidelines.

128 Words  1 Pages
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