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Rhetorical Reflection

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

You need to write the article and write a Rhetorical Reflection 

    PURPOSE. What is the main argument of the resource? What is the primary point that the author(s) are trying to communicate? This should be more than a simple summary of the reading. Focus on the key ideas the author wants to put forth; try and identify the thesis or purpose of the reading.
    AUDIENCE. Who is the intended audience for this resource? How do you know?
    GENRE. What type or form of writing is this resource? How does the genre affect the author’s writing choices

2. RHETORICAL ANALYSIS. What does the text do well on a rhetorical level? Are there examples of ethos, pathos, and logos that are particularly excellent?

3. TAKEAWAYS. What are you taking away from this resource? What new knowledge have you gained? How might your reading, writing, and or research practices change? This is where you should share what is new or interesting to you about this reading.

174 Words  1 Pages
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