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Map of Home (Book) by Randa Jarrar

Map of Home (Book) by Randa Jarrar

Please use same format as sample piece in attachment and use same instructions in attachment.

Here's a list of things your review should include along with some other pointers:

1. A brief intro about the author and her body of work. (And don't forget to introduce the novel you're discussing).
2. Your opinion about the quality of the novel with a discussion of the style, a particular writing element, or approach you thought was handled well (or not handled well).
3. A brief summary used for the purpose of supporting your opinion and to give examples of the elements you thought were handled well. 
4. A brief discussion of a theme (or themes) covered in the book for the purpose of convincing the reader of the review that it's a worthy work of literature (or explain why it failed in this respect if that's what you think).
5. A conclusion that restates your overall opinion about the book and a final push to entice or deter.

An A paper will do all of these things in a smooth fashion, interweaving the summary and examples with the highlighted points you're making about the book. 

An A paper will also be between 750-1000 words, not have any typos or grammatical errors, will have the title of the book written in italics each time it's mentioned, will otherwise capitalize and punctuate correctly, and will follow the format of the example (do not indent the paragraphs, instead put a space between each one). No quotes are necessary but if included please cite them parenthetically.

267 Words  1 Pages
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