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Jane Austen's Narrative Method in Emma

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

"Emma" deploys a range of of narrative techniques that allow wonderful access into various characters' mental states and social attitudes without directly or explicitly stating what these dispositions are.

1) How does Austen's narrative method enable her readers to make complex inferences about characters' motivations, perspective, values, and limitations or strengths? 

2) What do you see as Austen's final assessment of one, or more, of the central characters in the novel?

You must write about two chapters in Emma
- Choose one chapter in which dialogue among characters is the primary means 
  of representation and the narrator makes only occasional contributions
- In the other chapter, the narrator should be the primary conduit into the scene, 
  with only occasional direct quotations of dialogue being recorded

Throughout the essay, you should reflect on how close attention to the formal means of narration affects your understanding and evaluation of the pleasures, or pains, of reading this novel.

Format notes
- Single spaced
- Times New Roman, size 12

The document attached is a one-page rough draft, with professor's comments.
The main thing I'm looking for is someone who really knows "Emma", or at least, Austen's writing in general. 

203 Words  1 Pages
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