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Why do you think the spiritually neutral are doomed to Hell by Dante?

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Why do you think the spiritually neutral are doomed to Hell by Dante?
What is their punishment? How do you think it fits their sin?
Who is Charon and how is he described?
Virgil says to Charon, who did not want let Dante in, ‘Charon do not vex yourself: it is willed there, where what is willed is done: ask no more.’ What does Virgil mean?
What happen to Dante at the end of Canto III? 
How would you summarize Canto III?
Where is the Canto XXVI set?
Who are Ulysses and Diomede, how are they punished and why?
What is the last voyage of Ulysses? Summarize it.
How does Dante (the character) reacts when he sees Lucifer?
How is Lucifer described?
Explain what Judas, Brutus and Cassius are doing down there.
How do the poets leave Hell?
When you read the passages from the Inferno, do you have the same images or pictures you saw in the movie? Or did you think of different images? 

Please choose a Sonnet that we didn't analyze in class and briefly analyze it as we did in class. Here some questions that can help you:
1. Which images remain in your mind after reading this sonnet?
2. What are the key words in the sonnet and why?
3. What is/are the message/s of the author?
4. Can you summarize each part of the sonnet? What is/are the topic/s in this sonnet?

246 Words  1 Pages
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