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For your second writing assignment, you are to write an addressing one of the prompts below.  This essay must include an introductory paragraph, several central paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Each central paragraph must be based on a topic sentence. Remember, effective writing incorporates such features as college-level diction, proper grammar and mechanics, an effective introduction that both summarizes and incorporates a plausible thesis, solid supporting body paragraphs, smooth transitions that bridge ideas, credible sources with proper attribution (if applicable), and a well-rounded comprehensive conclusion that not only reiterates your thesis but also summarizes your main points. Use examples to develop any one of the following topics into a well-organized essay.

When writing the paper, choose enough relevant examples to support your thesis. Organize the material into a sequence that most effectively illustrates the thesis, keeping in mind that emphatic order (the order of importance) is often the most compelling way to present specifics. 

Purpose of the assignment: To illustrate a general truth using examples.

Audience: The audience for this project is your English 111 classmates. Your writing should convey and explain the significance of the topic and explain what your reader might ultimately learn from the topic in the so-what factor at the end of the essay. 

Important Reminders: You will turn in all drafts and peer review feedback. **I will not grade your project if you do not turn in all of these materials. Failure to submit peer review feedback will negatively affect your grade. 

254 Words  1 Pages
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