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Essay Topic; No hope for perfect research


No hope for perfect research


Research is a field that involves digging deep in search of information and knowledge by going through the materials as well as looking keenly into the information in order to come up with credible reports on the topic being discussed. An investigation has been done in order to come up with a specific conclusion on the matter being discussed by a certain researcher. When one is conducting a research, he/ she may make some mistake which ought to tamper with the results. This shows that one cannot relay on a certain research because a research is a trial full of errors. At times some of the research are said to be real but not that perfect because they may have made some mistakes while conducting the research.

In our present life research has became part of general human life (Antony & Swinson, 2008). This has been enhanced by increase in knowledge which has led to advancements of technology and other innovations. It is however important to note that the main goal of carrying out a research is to bring out the hidden truth about the topic being researched on. This means that after the initial research has been done and the truth has been found then it is needless to another research which would then dispute the original research. This further means that the research that was conducted earlier was not perfect and even if it is not disputed, it would leave room for the next research (King & Wincup, 2007). In addition, one can look at it in different ways; first human beings are always different in terms of thinking. This implies that their results will also be different from one another. Every researcher brings his or her own individual mind into the research findings and therefore the results are researcher bias.

From the above point of view, it implies that human beings will always leave something out to be discovered by another researcher in their line of research making the research process imperfect. The process of doing research has since been based on the notion that the previous research by the previous researcher on the particular topic of research, no matter how detailed or informed it was, still it will lack perfection, hence research is done to perfect it. Nevertheless, we still see research being done to perfect those that are already perfect. Errors done during research also push towards further research.

In conclusion, the continuing nature of research where whenever a specific research is done, it results to further research resulting to viscous cycle of research. This is an indication that previous research has failed to some extent to be classified as perfect hence the need for newer research. Therefore, it is true that there is no hope for ever doing perfect research.






Antony, M. M., & Swinson, R. P. (2008). When perfect isn't good enough: Strategies for

            Coping with perfectionism. Oakland, Calif: New Harbinger

King, R. D., & Wincup, E. (2007). Doing research on crime and justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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