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Human right campaign

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Introductory Paragraph:
- a brief overview of the human rights issue at hand
- a brief overview of your proposed campaign concerning this human rights issue
- a CLEAR THESIS STATEMENT, which may be 1-3 sentences long, which sums up the rationale and justification for your approach

Analysis of the Human Rights Issue

- what is this a case of? How is this type of violation defined?

-some factual evidence of what has occurred and its impact
- what types of responses does this issue generally warrant? (IE: Genocide warrants intervention)
- what literature, texts, and theories address this issue?
- do texts/theorists/theories overlap, or conflict?

Outline of the Campaign Concerning this Human Rights Issue
- what is the generic goal of this campaign, and why/how is that the goal?
- what specific tools and remedies will you use and why?

-what has been attempted before on this issue, and has it helped? Why or why not?

Details of the Campaign Concerning this Human Rights Issue
- what components of the Brysk book’s ideas of effective campaigns are present (or lacking) in this campaign?

- - - what will be leverage on the human rights violator? 
- - - why and how will the campaign use the media, framing, timing, location, and actors that you specify?

Concluding Paragraph(s)
- briefly review the campaign
- briefly predict or reflect on possible outcomes, problems, or interconnections between this campaign and other human rights issues

251 Words  1 Pages
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