Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Appropriateness of source Types – 3 (Would like to see more than just brief news articles; studies have certainly been done about military training in the middle east and at various levels of expertise.)
An annotated bibliography is a great way to accomplish this. An annotated bibliography is more than just a list of works cited. It provides a record of the resources as well as notes about why that resource is of value to your project.
Annotated bibliographies typically include:
•A brief synopsis of the article/chapter/book/webpage
•A statement about why it is supportive of your portfolio
•An assessment of its value to the field – e.g. the author is a prominent figure in the field; it’s an important research study; the data comes from a credible source; etc.
All research is about US Army Special Forces Green Berets Training Foreign Armies and Training American soldiers to become apart of the US Special Forces mainly the research needs to be focused on foreign training.