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Aristotle happiness

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Aggie Mendoza Paper 3 30 points Answer following question in not less than 1000 words. 1. Read “The Aim of Man” carefully for all the definitions Aristotle offers of “happiness”. 2. Write your own interpretation of what he means by the term. 3. Try to clarify the meaning of the soul and its relationship to virtue and to the individual’s quest for happiness. 4. Is it true that happiness is the greatest good? 5. Would it ever be necessary to give something up, to refrain from some pleasurable action, to be happy? 6. What is Aristotle’s view of the relationship of pleasure to happiness? Please note the following. Answer all of the questions in the question prompt. Give word count at the end of the essay- not after the Works Cited page A minimum of three outside sources from/ through the NSCC Library Go to and use that as your search engine Your textbook is not considered an “outside” source. The dictionary is not considered an “outside” source, but should be listed on the Works Cited page if you are using it.

193 Words  1 Pages
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