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How did Emily Dickinson, despite her tendency to be lonely and friendless, as well as living indoors a great deal of the time, overcome these barriers by the power of her imagination? What does it mean that she was able to imagine sexual encounters

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How did Emily Dickinson, despite her tendency to be lonely and friendless, as well as living indoors a great deal of the time, overcome these barriers by the power of her imagination? What does it mean that she was able to imagine sexual encounters (‘’ WILD NIGHTS!’’), comment on the ‘’popularity disease’’ that still infects our society today -e.g., People and Us Magazines (‘’I’m Nobody! Who are you’’?’’) and even write about her (imagined death (‘’I heard a Fly Buzz-when I Died ‘’). What does this tell us about: A) The Power of Art to overcome adversity. B) The power of the imagination. C) The position of women in society in Dickinson’s time

123 Words  1 Pages
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