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Comparative and critical review of a literature book

Comparative and critical review

The Media Student's Book by Gill Branston and Roy Stafford is a book discussing the media and its database and helps mass media students gain knowledge on key important politics on the media. The book covers important media challenges facing the media currently.

In chapter 6 of the book the media is viewed to have ideologies and discourses according to the Marxist approaches. The media function differently as a result of the ideological differences to which it was initially attached thus it is seen to be different in terms of social and political affairs. Different media groups have different structures of organizations thus showing how media is an independent structure in various governments (Gill & Stafford, 183). The media is seen to interact differently with the people where some media groups are seen to give negative stereotypes of some ethnic groups which make the interaction different thus posing challenges to some media groups. The media is challenged for stereotyping Arab American teenagers by promoting hate crime which is actually unfair since the rights of Arabic people should not be violated. The media in some cases is criticized for giving false information which at times cause negative impacts to the public for example the case of unemployment news which were replaced by stories of a member of parliament who was involved in corruption. This shows how media is portrayed both in Britain and the United States of America (Gill & Stafford, 183). Differences resulting from different media groups at times cause negative effects to the people receiving the information since different media groups can at times give false information. Narratives are example of key points used in the film where they are used to discuss the powerful impacts of ideological differences and how such differences challenge the media. Hollywood films which are clearly shown on the media are some times unsuitable which results to closure of some studios. In this chapter the media is described as ideologically different thus posing challenges in its activities (Gill & Stafford, 183).

In chapter seven the media is described as a mass business model. The media is venturing in to the modern and current business models as a way of keeping the public informed. The case study in this chapter reveals the challenges and crisis the media is involved in when dealing with music, cinema and publication of newspapers and magazines (Gill & Stafford, 204). Televisions which show the film and other current models are more vulnerable to crisis and challenges especially in the film and music industries. Traditional media for example newspapers and magazines is different from the current and modern media inclusive of televisions and cinemas. Three business models are discussed in this chapter where an outline of various media regulations is also shown since media groups are guided by regulations. The regulations must be clearly followed failure to which consequences can result (Gill & Stafford, 204). In both chapters we can suggest that media groups have different ideologies and show negative stereotyping which posses as great threat to the current media especially. Gill Branston and Roy Staffor discuses these chapters and brings out the issue of environment which the media should respect. The media is seen to show various global celebrities and show other media documentaries which keep people alert on informal news (Gill & Stafford, 204). The media as discussed in these two chapters should avoid negative stereotyping, follow the given regulation and avoid ideological differences for it to remain successful.



Works Cited

Gill Branston, Roy Stafford. The Media Student's Book (5th Revised edition). (2010)


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