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Compare and contrast Shakespeare’s hamlet and Disney’s the lion king

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Paper Instructions:

1) Introduction Paragraph: Give background information on the two stories, and end with a thesis statement that states that they are either mostly similar or mostly different. 2) Body Paragraph 1: Discuss one way in which the two stories are similar (e.g. similar plotlines, similar characters, etc.). Use details from the stories to support your point. Before you draft this paragraph, you might want to collect your information in a chart, as shown below: 3) Body Paragraph 2: Discuss a second way in which the two stories are similar. Use details from the stories to support your point. (Use the chart shown above to organize your details) OR Discuss one way in which the two stories are different. Use details from the stories to support your point, and the following chart to organize your details. 4) Body Paragraph 3: Discuss one way in which the two stories are different. Use details from the stories to support your point. OR Discuss a second way in which the two stories are similar. Use details from the stories to support your point. [continue using the charts to organize your information] 5) Conclusion: Summarize the points made in your body paragraphs and end with an interesting thought for the reader to ponder.

221 Words  1 Pages
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