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A book analysis is NOT a summary of the book

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A book analysis is NOT a summary of the book

Explanation of what book says about race, ethnicity, and/or gender 2. Include information about specific part of lifespan applicable to your book (childhood, adolescence, adulthood). 3. Explanation of institutional inequalities (racism, poverty, or sexism) AND explanation of what we can do to overcome these biases 4. Discussion of strategies for moving to a more equitable society Format of individual Book Analysis should be as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Institutional racism, or sexism, and unequal treatment by race, class, or gender. 3. Definitions, information about topic from course material, including references and specific examples 4. Supporting examples from Wes Moore or Unequal Childhoods 5. How race, gender and class influence individuals throughout the lifespan. 6. Examples from childhood, adolescence or adulthood. 7. How we can overcome racism/ sexism/ bias. **Concrete examples and ideas (not generalizations) **Conclusions Book analysis should be organized with headings and subheadings Book analysis should have correct spelling, grammar, and be proofread Book analysis should include a complete bibliography or works cited in correct APA format. BOOK: Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life (2nd edition), With an Update a Decade Later. Annette Lareau. 2011. ISBN: 9780520271425 University of California Press. Junior/Senior level writing.

217 Words  1 Pages
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