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Physician assisted suicide should be legalized in all states

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

Must read NY Times article-"Who Must Die" by Jennifer Medina
and watch movie-"You don't know Jack"
all citation must be from these sources.

Write a Persuasive Essay-Pick a side/ For or against Physician Assisted Suicide-I am form Physician Assisted Suicide

Essay Must Haves:

Paragraph 1-Introduction-a Hook-attention  getter
-Explanation of Controversy/ Background info.
-Thesis-What is your position?

Paragraph 2-Point 1
-Topic Sentence
-Introduction of evidence
-Evidence (Quotes introduced with signal phase)
-Analysis-What is the evidence showing?
-Discussion-How does this point support your thesis?

Paragraph 3-Point 2
Same format as Paragraph 2

Paragraph 4-Point 3
Same format as Paragraph 2

Paragraph-5-Point 4
Same format as Paragraph 2

Paragraph 6-Point 5
Same format as Paragraph 2

Counter argument-Paragraph 7-What is one strong point from the opposition and why is it not a valid point?  Ensure the paragraph follows the same structure as above

Conclusion Paragraph-Briefly summarize main points
-Offer a solution to the problem
-explain importance of the topic
-Discuss relevance to the field/ society
-Ask Rhetorial questions, etc.

APA format
4 pages of conten

183 Words  1 Pages
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