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write a summary of and analytical response to Hunter S. Thompson’s Hell’s Angels excerpt Roll’em Boys and Postscript

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Paper Instructions:

One of the more pertinent issues in the reading of creative nonfiction is the author’s rhetoric, style and image—how the writer creates authority, keeps the reader’s trust and attention as well as how the writer organizes the work and creates identity in the work. In order to consider these questions, your summary should be mindful of not only the author’s attitude but howhe or she relates the attitude. What strategies does he or she use to communicate and clarify point of view? You might, for example, consider the author’s use of examples, repetition, specialized language, white space, etc. Because you have only 3 to 5 pages to complete this task, you should focus on the one to two specific strategies that you found most important or interesting rather than try to give a general idea of what the essay is about. You must also use two critical sources/thinkers either from the classroom sources or library research with a similar or comparative thought process.

174 Words  1 Pages
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